Air Freight
Peoria, IL
(773) 966 - 2800

Peoria Persistence: Premium Air Freight Service Peoria Can Trust
As the largest town on the Illinois River and one of the largest cities in the state outside of the Chicago area, Peoria’s has always been a trade specialist. The city developed as a shipping hub for key agricultural products, ranging from soy to corn to meat. It has since supplemented this agricultural support role with a number of other industries, notably the manufacturing of steel, chemicals, and heavy equipment. Combined with the recent expansion of Peoria’s medical and high tech facilities, this has turned the town into one of the most important economic engines in all of the Downstate area. Prosperity for Peoria is prosperity for all of Illinois, which is why the investments keep rolling in.

Air Freight Service Peoria, Illinois is committed to Peoria’s prosperity. As the leading provider of expedited ground and sky deliveries in the region, we are prepared to take over for any link in your supply lines as soon as you need us. We combine detailed, intimate knowledge of the region and its businesses with resources that span all of North America. As a result, we can coordinate shipments from any point on the continent, all while shipping in at the precise times and on the precise routes needed to ensure a safe and speedy delivery. With as your ally, you never need to worry about a supply shortfall.

Peoria Logistics Challenges
The trouble with being such a diversified town is that it turns logistics into a massive collective action problem. Every industry has its own unique shipping requirements: agricultural traders have to send highly perishable goods out before they spoil; heavy manufacturers need delicate parts trucked in over great distances but on tight schedules; and construction companies need highly specific building materials for each project they work on. When all these businesses converge on one spot, they rely on the same roads, meaning streams of trucks are likely to block each other coming into and out of the city. Delays and other disruptions are inevitable in this situation; only by planning ahead and preparing for emergencies can all the businesses involved avoid falling short of their necessary supplies.

Shipping Solutions is your emergency preparation. We ship into and out of every town in the Peoria area, including Peoria itself as well as Champaign, Burlington, Ottawa, Bloomington, Davenport, and Galesburg. | Peoria, Illinois
We’re able to serve all these communities so effectively thanks to a multitude of factors, the most critical of which are:

Continental Capacity
Many shippers operate by driving out to the starting point, loading up the goods, and then driving back to deliver those goods. That’s fine under ordinary conditions, when you can plan shipments far ahead of time. But it’s completely untenable in emergencies, when you can’t afford a lengthy trip out to the starting point. We avoid that lengthy trip by spreading our vehicles out across the continent. From Mexico to Canada to Alaska to Hawaii to all the Lower 48, we have affiliated trucks and drivers waiting to deliver your order in virtually every populated area. This lets us cut down the initial part of the journey to two hours or less. Once we’ve loaded your goods, we’ll take to the road immediately, whether to deliver them to the airport for a quick affiliated flight or to complete the delivery by ground in record time. Either way, you will get your items almost as soon as you realize they’re missing.

Flight Facility has close connections to all the major cargo carriers in every city we serve. No matter where you’re shipping from, we’ll be able to quickly identify all the scheduled flights out of that region and choose the flight that’ll get you your goods the fastest. If there isn’t a direct flight between that location and Peoria, we’ll consider chains of connecting flights, selecting the set that gets you your goods the quickest and with the smallest risk of disruption. In this way, we ensure that your items arrive in under 24 hours, even if they have to cross thousands of miles to get to you.

Cargo Chartering
Sometimes, none of the flights scheduled will meet your needs— but that doesn’t stop us from meeting them! Our close arrangements with cargo airlines give us the ability to charter entirely new flights. These air charters are reserved for each customer, carrying no one’s cargo but theirs and taking off specifically on the schedule they request. Chartering flights gives us the ability to connect Peoria to any starting point, no matter how out of the way it is and how few scheduled flights go through there. It also gives us heightened flexibility in the event of emergencies. Should a storm, air traffic, or some other problem block the flight we’d originally scheduled for your items, we can charter a new trip in its place and get your items onto it. Thus, even the inherent uncertainties of air shipping can’t get in the way of your deliveries.

Tracking Tactics
Air charters are one way we prepare for the unexpected, but they’re not the only way. We also use advanced tracking devices to keep informed on the precise position of all our affiliated trucks and flights. We’ll know the location of your items at each moment of the journey, and will immediately be informed if anything happens to threaten their timely arrival. Whenever bad weather, congestion, or closed roads and airports stand in the way of your delivery, we’ll know about the problem as soon as it happens. Our centralized coordination team will then spring into action, finding new routes, new connecting flights, or other solutions to keep our services on track. No matter what, we’ll make sure your items arrive as close to the promised time as possible, and well within 24 hours of the order.
Don’t leave your business at risk of shipping delays. For more information on air freight services in Peoria and across Illinois, contact or call (800) 713-1000 today.
Cost of Urgent Shipping
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Blog and Resource Center
How Solved a PGA Tour Shipping Emergency
Learn how located a lost shipment and helped save the PGA Golf Tour.
How Saved The Farm By Solving A Major Shipping Delay
Learn how we saved a Montana-based artisanal farm thousands of dollars by expediting a shipment of perishable goods.
Expedited Shipping Vendor Comparison
We’ve done the research for you. This vendor comparison sheet breaks down how stacks up against the competition.